
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Problems are the Path: Opportunities II

Irrespective of what Wall Street and interest rate analysts thought a week ago, the FED may not be done with raising interest rates.  The debate over debt limits and spending continues as it has been for a number of years.  There must be a point where son is told by Dad, no more allowance increases just for you to spend more.  Once one has money the thought is it continues forever....TRY RETIREMENT!   I did not believe that the Government will stop paying interest and maturing debt.  Per a recent Wall Street Journal article some days ago, the analysis was that the monthly cash flow of Government Receipt outdistanced the payment of interest and maturing debt by a large multiple factor.  Then there is the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution that mandates payment of principal and debt.   What will happen when an agreement occurs with a spending cut?  The first obstacle is House of Representatives and then the Senate.  Not an easy cho...

The Problems are the Path: Opportunities

Sermons are usually boring and sleep enhancing experiences.  In all my years of listing to sermons, this one from a Franciscan Father was memorable. A soul reaches the Pearly Gates and is shown his new reward for his past life.  As the soul tours Heaven they pass a door.  The soul inquires as to what is behind the door.  "Nothing important".  The soul pushes and the door is opened.  Behind the door are "PRESENTS", un-opened gifts as far as could be seen.  "What?".  The Creator's gifts to mankind that were never opened. Certainly we all have events and circumstances in which a gift not opened is regretted as we never realized the gift or we just didn't care or have time to open the gift, or never viewed it as a GIFT.  A job position? A house sale or purchase?  A date? A proposal? A gift unopened and lost forever. The greatest gift we have before us are opportunities created by the sharp rise in interest rates and the failure of bank manag...