The Problems are the Path: FED calls interests rates Wednesday January 31
On Wednesday the FED will tell what the tendency is for lowering interest rates. If you readers just rely on CNBC, Bloomberg or some Social Media Site, I suggest you get on the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank's mailing list. Add to the Wall Street Journal and the U.S. Census Department. With those three sources you will not find yourself being jerked around by Media promotions and investment banks and advisors promoting their positions. The Wall Street Journal had a list of the four new members of the Federal Reserve Voting Panel. All four say too soon to cut rates. The Federal Reserve so indicted the same. The U.S. Census reports showed slight declines in inflation with nothing near 2% annual rates. The Census also stated POSITIVE growth in the US Economy. All quite good for high interest rates. It would appear to me why cut rates if the economy is doing so well? The next issue the FED Governors mu...