
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Problems are the Path: The FED balks at lowering rates

the Problems are the Path: Foreclosures and Short Sales

The stock market was up over 300 points before the FED made their announcement on no interest rate cut.  Then the follow up by Chairman Powell put the icing on the cake.  The key comment to my evaluation is: "the decision to cut rates would be a consequential one because it could ignite substantial market rallies that boost spending and investments".  There in lies the crux!  The stock market is too high and is feeding spending in their belief.  Real estate is too high and is curbing affordability and fueling speculation in comment not FED.  since then the stock market has lost steam and has had negative results.  UP for the week but rally stopped since Powell spoke. The target levels of 5.1% for end of year 2024, 4.1% end of year 2025 and 3.1% for end of year 2026 are nothing more than target based upon hope....again my opinion!  If Trump wins all the targets are off the table!  Trump has stated he wants or is considering firing Powell.  That would mean a Stal