
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Problems are the Path: Recession!

Recession: " ...a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarter", from a 17th century definition it is, "...a temporary suspension of work or activity".  The Present Day standard needs measuring devices or formulas, the 17th century is simply put and to know that there has been a decline in business is easy to experience without a Economist declaration. I have found that the best place to see the beginning of a recession is the reduction of spending by the "Nouveau riche".  There is no better place to determine a recession other than to look at Bordeaux Future Sales.  The premise on Future Sales is from the en primers  of the Bordeaux region who sell futures in spring after a harvest.  They get cash up front to finance the next crop and the consumers get a discount on wines that will be bottled two years later.  China was booming the World was bo