The Problems are the Path: The FED Picks Up The Pace. What does the FED See?
The FED followed the analysts forecasts on a rate cut. One member dissented. The Trump appointee felt that the inflation figures are not in line with the FED Model. We will see. The Yield Curve is coming into line as the 30-year, 10-Year and 2 -year are now in line to indicate no Recession. The 1-year is quickly following to a few basis points above the 2-year. So all is well in the Government Market. The follow up by the FED looks to be another cut shortly. Consumer Confidence is falling. The Census forecast of growth next year is down. The commercial market is under pressure as owners from the multi billion and multi million properties are taking a toll on the smaller investors as the inventory of smaller investor properties are flooding the Commercial Listing Markets. UNEMPLOYMENT? According to the Thursday September 26, 2024 Wall Street Journal the unemployment numbers are forecasting recession. More than enough reason for the Zi...