
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Problems are the Path: The FED and the Slow Rabbit

The first knowledge I had with the concept of the Slow Rabbit was when I attended the Wharton School of Business Management Program for Investment Management Analysis.  Slow Rabbit?  That is a measurement against which an Investment Advisor measures their performance to make their performance superior.  The slower the rabbit the better the advisor's performance looks.   So too is my opinion of the FED's measurement "rabbits".  Every month we get a number of reports on inflation to consumer confidence to measure, which the FED uses to measure their performance in adjusting interest rates and FED Policy.  I remember when the FED made an adjustment to Inflation and CPI numbers to omitting gas and food from an index.  What sort of index on the cost of living does not want food and energy in it?  The basics of life... Food and energy for homes and business and cars.  The largest share of the poor 's budget to live on is dependent on energy and food.  So are the FED gov