Going Going Gone...Sold!!
As we have moved through the shut down, movement out of the state and cities single family homes have remained in a "seller's market". It did not matter if prices were cut homes sold quickly indicating a seller's market. That condition did not only exist in Silicon Valley it existed throughout the United States. As we progressed through the summer, "The Zillow Market Reports" had low to negative forecasted market values. Those reports were focused on zip code areas. The zip codes price values indicated the future price movement based upon current sales. Those prices values are now seeing price increases over the former forecasts. 1. 94061 one year forecast +3.5%, 2. 94061 + 3.2%, 3. 94020 +6.0% (fires be damned: price and quality of life are the winners), 4. 94062 +2.9%, 5. 94027 + 1.7%, 6. 95125 +2.1% As a result here are the sales in San Mateo and Santa Clara County as of September 26th. RESULTS . Sine the beginning of the year home prices in Califo...