The Problems are the Path: Interest Rates a Useless Strategy?
There was a time in my past newsletters/commentaries I believed the rise in interest rates would dampen real estate prices and cause the affordability index to move in favor of buyers, which we had. I then went to look at "Asset Inflation" to put down speculation and lower asset prices of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Esoteric Assets, which we had. The rise in interest rates have had an impact, but far from what the FED expected, and many economic analysts expected. The main reason, in my opinion, is that the Money Supply has not contracted. Some +$9 trillion was pumped into the economy from 2020 to 2022. Of that only a small percentage has been spent. Goldman Sachs has stated that 65% of those saving will be expended by the end of 2023. What we have is a little below $9 Trillion in the FED's balance sheet. The FED has not contracted Money Supply as they raised interest rates. There could be some political reasons as hig...