American Cash Hoard Could Cushion a Downturn
There is something missing from the "Media" that must be addressed in forecasting Home Prices. What you and I have either read or seen has dealt with Recession, Bear Market in Stocks and forecasts on the housing market. All forecasts are based upon history. History going back before anything a dramatic as what we have experienced in past 2 years. Certainly as Lord Toynbee wrote "History Repeats Itself" there is truth. History is not alway repetitive in circumstance that eventually lead to a conclusion. Let us take the Federal Reserve System and the Board of Govenors action to lower interest rates and take on a strategy of using Quantitative Easing. A never in history event would not result in "History Repeating Itself". In fact it is more of creating a new history. The back page of the Friday, June24, 2922, Edition of the Wall Street Journal Business & Finance Section points out Americans usually lack something heading "A LOT OF CASH"....